Learn with Joy

Sub-Saharan African countries have recorded some of the biggest increases in primary school enrollment since the turn of the century, according to the latest report from UNESCO. But the region still has the unenviable distinction of being home to the world’s largest out-of-school population. 


Different governmental, as well as non-governmental surveys indicate that Africa is currently in a learning crisis: a large proportion of students currently in elementary school have not attained foundational literacy and numeracy.


The prime objective of this project is to help the Ministry of Education establish a national programme of literacy and initiate a literacy movement led by educated manpower. The focus of the project will be to assist the Ministry of Education in developing literacy trainers who will be in charge of implementing an ambitious literacy program , with learning objectives for each province, each town and rural area.


In addition to imparting basic learning skills such as the 3Rs, the emphasis will be on providing the literacy system with the means to strengthen social skills that drive

national development.



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Project Name
Learn with Joy
Start Date
Foster Education